New York and Texas Are Competing for New Crypto Miners.

16 Oct 2021, 08:00
New York and Texas Are Competing for New Crypto Miners There are still many miners having to leave China after the country declared bitcoin illegal. It looks like New York and Texas are now competing as they work to bring many of these miners to their turf. New York and Texas Go Head to HeadIn addition to New York and Texas, Kentucky and Georgia are also attracting their fair share of new miners. These regions are known for offering very inexpensive electricity in certain areas, and those looking to extract new coins are eager to take advantage and mine all they can for as little as possible. At the top of the list is the Big Apple. Just shy of 20 percent of bitcoin’s hash rate is in New York, while Kentucky falls into second place with 18.7 percent. Third is Georgia, with approximately 17.3 percent, and Texas comes in fourth place with 14 percent. Despite these stats, Texas according to Foundry USA ranks as the biggest mining pool in the United States and the fifth largest in the world.