US Inflation Expectations Highest Since 2013, Gas Prices Skyrocket, Supply Chains Buckle.

13 Oct 2021, 08:00
US Inflation Expectations Highest Since 2013, Gas Prices Skyrocket, Supply Chains Buckle Americans are still concerned about dealing with inflation, as the cost of goods and services has continued to rise significantly in a short period of time. The Federal Reserve has published the latest Survey of Consumer Expectations report and U.S. households believe inflation will be up 5.3% one year from now. In addition to the dreary economic outlook, gas prices across the U.S. have skyrocketed up more than $1 from a year ago. New York Fed’s Survey of Consumer Expectations Continues to Look GloomyAfter 2020’s massive monetary expansion, in order to help the economy combat the coronavirus outbreak and help facilitate the lockdown orders that subsequently followed, inflation has crept into the wallets of every American.Month after month, the Federal Reserve has published the central bank’s Survey of Consumer Expectations (SCE) reports, and every month, inflation expectations jump higher. Once again, the latest Fed SCE report published on Tuesday indicates that Americans are still expecting higher inflation and low purchasing power a year from now.The inflation expectations have surged to all-time highs and are the highest levels since 2013, with an expectation of 5.3% one year from now. Furthermore, the New York Fed (the branch that publishes the SCE report), once again mentions the coronavirus.“Median inflation uncertainty or the uncertainty expressed regarding future inflation outcomes was unchanged at the short-term horizon and decreased at the medium-term horizon,” the Fed survey highlights. “Both measures are still well above the levels observed before the outbreak of Covid-19.” The recently published Fed SCE report leverages a rotating panel of 1,300 households. IMF Warns Central Banks Like the Fed to Tighten Monetary Easing PolicyIn addition to the SCE report, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has noted, in the world organizations’ quarterly update on global economic conditions, that central banks may need to tighten monetary easing policy. The IMF emphasized countries like the U.S. and the U.K. where “inflation risks are skewed to the upside.” IMF warns of need to be ‘very, very vigilant’ over rising inflation risk