Vitalik Buterin Talks Ethereum 2. 0, Proof-Of-Stake, NFTs.

12 Sep 2021, 08:00
Vitalik Buterin Talks Ethereum 2.0, Proof-Of-Stake, NFTs Ethereum co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, recently, flung his Twitter windows open to his 274 followings on Twitter, for a flock of questions about his personal life and Ethereum. Buterin gave a surprising answer to a few good questions. Take a look at some of them. “What are your biggest regrets?”VB: “The whole ‘8 cofounders’ thing (and choosing them so quickly and non discriminately),” Apparently, Vitalik, who was then 19, had pulled together a team of 8 persons with the other seven consisting of Cardano CEO, Charles Hoskinson; Joseph Lubin, Polkadot’s Gavin Wood, Anthony Di Lorio, Mihai Alisie, Amir Chetrit, and Jeffrey Wilcke to figure out the headway for Ethereum.